
Lest the purpose of this wayward dog-watch be misunderstood, here are a couple things to keep in mind:

1. I'm not here to be a scold. Pet ownership is a huge responsibility (although not as huge as parenthood), and I'm no paragon of perfect behavior. Dogs escape: They wander away or they take off on a dead run. It doesn't necessarily mean they are unhappy, abused or neglected. Through this blog, I'm simply keeping track of the lost dogs that I encounter and whether or not I can help them get home. I hope if you found my dog, you'd help him get back to me.

2. This blog is about more than lost dogs. It's also about a human search for meaning and community. It's about sniffing around and scoping out the surroundings. It's about venturing off (and on) trails of conventional living.

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