Sunday, September 11, 2011

Machete finds a sweet Spot

Wily Machete escaped from me on Friday night. Having chased him down a few times now, I've figured out that it's best to just grab a leash, give him a wide berth and let him run himself tired. He dashes aimlessly but only within a three-block section of the trail that we regularly walk.

Sometimes, he'll find puddle of water and lay down in it. Sometimes he'll dive under a tree and emerge with a plastic sack looped around his neck and flapping in the breeze like a superhero's cape. (OK, that only happened once, and I desperately wish I had a photo.) On Friday night, I looked up to see him romping through the grass with a fellow bully dog.

Spot was patrolling the area surrounding a car lot. He came right up to me when I had any of the dogs with me. I recognized him as (most likely) the white dog we've often seen walking around the car lot with the guys who work there. He was reluctant to leave the general area, but since I did see him cross the busy street a few times, I though it wise to take him somewhere safe for the night.

With no collar or tags, I didn't know this dog with a shiner spot was called Spot, so I started calling him Sweet Petey because he reminded me of Petey, the dog from Our Gang.

In addition to no I.D. I noted immediately that Spot was still endowed with boy parts.

Sweet-tempered and obviously well-fed, Spot spent the evening, without making a peep, in our dog-proof backyard. I fretted for a long time the next day over the fact that he's not neutered. Of course, I wanted to get him back to his rightful owners, but out of concern for Kansas City's pet overpopulation problem and neighborly concern that these people not get stuck with a $500 ticket from Animal Control, I knew I would have to make a strong case.

Fortunately, the possibility of a stiff fine and impoundment of the dog seemed pretty convincing.

While the life Spot leads at the car lot is considerably less cushy than a sweety like him deserves, it was obvious to me that the owner and the young men who work with him really do care for the dog. And Spot was ecstatic to to be back with them all. Happy ending!

Special thanks to my pal Peter for helping me explain the importance of neutering to Spot's owner.

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